Tuesday, July 25, 2006

It's 'Prime' time

Oooh! Excitement abounds. We have a top secret that's happening a tomorrow in the building next to where I work. We had the rozzers (police) round here yesterday, carrying out security checks and they informed us that a certain Tony Blair (oh yes - the British Prime Minister) was going to be speaking on Wednesday and thus the need for the security sweep.

How bloody exciting. However, as this is still a secret, I could be arrested, interrogated, strip-searched and sent to Guantanamo Bay. Crikey. Mind you, there are some factors in my favour. 1) Almost no-one reads my blog. 2)Those that do read it but don't know me, do not know where I work. 3)Those that do know me are (hopefully) unlikely to dob me in to MI5 or the local rozzers.

So, the Big Cheese is in town. I wonder if I'll be interviewed by somoeone off the telly, as a 'member of the public'? Maybe they'll want my opinion on the government's foreigh policy, the state of the NHS or the problems with the education reforms.

Or maybe they'll just want my balding slaphead to move as it's bothering the cameraman.

1 comment:

Kelvin Aston said...

Swaino! A challenge...

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pose as a reporter for some local rag (badgers monthly or something) and attempt to gain not only entry to the premises, but an interview with the PM himself.

Should you fail, your friends and readers will deny all knowledge of your work. And probably mock you as well.

This comment will self destruct in 5 seconds. As soon as I can work out how to do that.