Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bus stops and blisters

I went out with some pals from work last night for several beers. When I left at about 10.45pm, I'd missed my bus (yes just like the one in the blurry photo). I tried to get another one (it stops sort of near my house) but my ticket wasn't valid for their company. Then I found my next bus was going to be another hour so I decided to walk towards home to kill time. Smart move. Unfortunately, my super-trendy summer footwear is not designed for long, hot walks and as a result, after walking almost two miles, I had 5 blisters developing on my feet. They were spectacularly painful and had me staggering along like a grandad with piles and rickets - at the same time.

Finally the bus appeared out of the darkness (well, the sky was dark even if the brightly lit city streets were not) and carried me the remaining 4 miles home. This 20 minute journey gave my blisters time to develop nicely so that by the time I got off the bus I was partially crippled and unable to do little more than shuffle for a few agonising seconds before stopping to recover and prepare myself for the next few tortuous steps. I finally got home a little after 1am. What a cracking evening then.

Er, no.

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