Friday, August 18, 2006

Busy holiday

Well I'm on holiday. My wife is too, so that's good. We've got plenty of stuff lined up for the next week or so and, as we're not actually going away on holiday, I'm glad we've got things to do.

It starts tonight with some friends coming over. Then we've got a big family do on Sat, my wife goes 'up North' for a Hen night on Sun and next week we've got meals out, friends to go and see, movies to catch, a wedding to attend and some other stuff which I've forgotten because I've got a memory like a ... a ... er ...

Well anyway, I'm sure there will be plenty of stuff to write about over the forthcoming days. Oh yeah, I watched 'Dog Soldiers' today. It's a cracking little British horror film by the same guy who wrote and directed 'The Descent'. Lots of werewolves and British swearing. Always a winning mix I reckon.

Well, have to dash - our chums will be here any minute and I've got to do my hair. Hold on, I don't really have any hair. Never mind, I'll just fluff up what few tufts I have left and see how it looks. You have to make an effort you know.

Now where are my curlers?

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