Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Burger update

Thanks to the correspondent who emailed me ( to tell me of his rather less than enjoyable experience of a Wimpy meal. Now, for fear of legal action, I will not provide details of the 'alleged' gastronomic disaster. Suffice to say, the phrase 'dripping fat' was used along with several heartfelt expletives.

On the bright side, Wimpy apparently do offer a veggie menu, although my correspondent did not partake of the 'healthy' option due to his carniverous commitments. In summing up his experience of the esteemed restaurant he cannot, unfortunately, bring himself to recommend the food, or indeed, the experience as a whole. It appears that 0/10 is the score on that one. Obviously, his comments are purely subjective and in no way represent the opinions of YBATYD.

Mind you, it did sound completely rank.

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