Monday, December 11, 2006

Friends are great

Just had a really great weekend and it was great because we saw some of our friends. On Friday we went to see two people who we always love going to see. You can always tell when you get on with someone when you feel like you're just going into another room in your house. I like that feeling.

Whilst we were there, aside from all the usual stuff - eating and drinking, we also played this DVD pub quiz game. Oh hilarity abounded. Why? Well most of the questions were completely impossible to answer. Questions like 'The first television broadcast was in which year? 1915, 1924, 1926, 1929'. Er.... There was another question that asked what relation someone whom we'd never heard of was to someone else we'd never heard of. Tricky. So the whole thing became lesson in guesswork and thus, the game was the winner. Thank God for alcohol.

On Saturday we went to see some other friends and their beautiful 5 month-old baby girl. She's a right looker even with a chin full of dribble and, as they say, will one day break a thousand hearts. Bless her. Babies are great. They do such random things like laughing, crying and vomiting. She did two out of three as crying ain't really in her repertoire which is quite unusual for a baby. It must be her wonderful parents influence.

I learnt one new and disturbing fact about babies on that night. Apparently it's really easy for milk to find it's way into the folds of skin round the little 'uns neck when it's very young. This milk build up can go un-noticed until bathtime by which time it's magically turned into a form of soft cheese. Oh my God! Mind you, if you've run out of Dairylea ...

Sorry about that last comment. The weekend was also the time to out up the old Xmas decorations and erect the magnificent tree (Homebase £39.99 last year). So now it all looks dead festive although I'm on the hunt for some outdoor fairy lights seeing as how we have Blackpool illuminations over the road, I don't want to feel left out. I strongly believe that whatever lighting I put up, it will still pale into insignificance when stacked up against our neighbours amazing display.

Maybe I'll just wrap some tinsel round the drainpipe.

1 comment:

Kelvin Aston said...

I'm reminded of a certain photo competition regarding people's fantastically over the top house lights some years ago. Any chance of some photos this year Mr S?