Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Oh woe and damnation. My iMac is poorly and I've had to take it to the hospital. It's actually a little problem I've been waiting for as it's a known issue with my model. So that's OK.

But hold on a second. Much as I'm a fair and objective bloke, what makes this whole thing really grim is that whilst my iMac is away at the iHospital, I've had to dig out my aged PC. Honestly it's a behemoth of a thing and even though it's only been one day, I'm finding it all a very 'grey' experience. I use a PC at work but have to admit that I always look forward to getting home and using my Mac.

So I have, potentially, two weeks on this bleedin' lump of a machine. No iTunes, photos, movie-making and just plain fun are to be had. Yes, I know I'm being a infantile saddo and worse things do happen at sea but it's how I feel, so there.

Now I know why Bill Gates is leaving Microsoft.

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