Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Posting poorlyness

What a bizarre title for this posting. I apologise. I was trying to convey two points in one phrase. Clearly it hasn't worked. Oh well. Anyway, the 'posting' bit is a way of saying I'm sorry at the slightly less-than-regular postings this month. Can't really give a reason why but suffice to say that guilt is my constant companion as a result. I shall try and rectify this although I shall give you fair warning that things may well get worse on this front over the next 8 weeks or so as I shall be extremely busy at work. I trust you'll stick with me. OK, please stick with me!

The second bit of the title refers to me feeling a tad under the weather and before all the women reading this, collectively shout "Man flu!" - it bloody well isn't. I'm genuinely not feeling especially magical and even came home early from work today. So there. If you're reading this in some warm and sunny part of the world - I hate you. Well, not hate. That's a bit disingenuous. Perhaps I should just say that I wish I was there and then maybe I wouldn't be feeling so cack. Oh the joys of England in the winter. Mind you, it could be worse.

I could be in Greenland.


Miss B said...

So sorry to hear you're under the weather... if its any consolation, its cold and rainy here as well... cuddle up with a cup of tea and a big blankie :) feel better!

Micky B said...

Not a 'warm and sunny part of the World', just Central London, on a dark and wet (but strangely humid) morning - 07.26). I'm in the office, which, again, is not a 'sunny part of the World', but it's a blipping warm one ! We dress for Winter outside, and get out the bikini's and flip-flops when we get in. Oh the joys of air-con and an all glass building.

Have been wondering where the 'posts' were, but sticking with you, never fear.

'Man Flu'. What's that then ? The excuse for not getting the pies made and on E-Bee ?

Anonymous said...

Hooray for logic. Well, be happy, drink coffee and give someone a hug.