Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Farewell Polar Teddy Bears

"Stýrðu hingat eikjunni,ek mun þér stöðna kenna, eða hverr á skipit, er þú heldr við andit?" I've no idea what this means but I do know that it's poetry written in (Western) Greenlandish (Kalaallisut). A fitting testement I think to the brave chaps of the Greenland national footie team who, yesterday, bowed out of the ELF Cup following a 1-0 defeat to Kyrgyzstan. This meant the lads finished third in Group A and were thus eliminated.

It's sad to see them go but we must dry away our Arctic tears and get on with things. Well the semi-finals are being held on Friday (Kyrgyzstan V Crimea and Northern Cyprus V Zanzibar) with the final on Sunday. Northern Cyprus have got to be the favourites after absolutely nailing poor little Tibet 10-0 in the group stage. Just click on this posting's title for more exciting info on the the whole thing.

Well, other than an update on the final, I fear that's about it for the ELF Cup. Alas dear reader, it means a return to the mundane postings about my life and the bizarre thoughts I have. Mind you, if there is anything out there in the big wide world that you think may be of interest to me / the readers, then feel free to email me at '' any time and maybe, just maybe we'll find something to rival the awesome ELF Cup...

Surely not?


Micky B said...

You're not touting for business, are you Mr. R. ?

Anonymous said...

How about 'The Ashes' ?

Let's hear it for our Boys ....

Yaaaayyyyy !!!!!

Here in the office, we have the t.v. on, and there'll be cheers and groans all over the place, as the series continues.

Go England! Go!

Anonymous said...

Going back to the 15th November and the blog from your sick bed, you might be interested to know that in the BMJ today there is an article on 'MAN FLU' and media mischief', and 'Nuts' magazine last week - quote - revealed that 'man flu' does exist. unquote

Vindicated ! Go back to bed with your lemsip.