Tuesday, September 12, 2006

1.5 x 2 = 7

My wife and I decided to go for a nice walk in the countryside the other day. We went to a place she and her family used to visit years ago. They used to hire bikes and enjoy a leisurely cycle ride. Lovely.

The only thing is, my wife got her memories and details a bit mixed up. We were supposed to walk for a mile and a half until we got to the cycle hire place and a car park. Then we'd have a nice mile and a half stroll back to where we started. Unfortunately, this wasn't exactly what happened.

After 45 minutes walking, I expressed extreme surprise that we hadn't managed to walk the 1.5 miles already, especially considering that normal walking pace is 3-4 miles per hour. Anyway, we trudged on and on and on. Finally, we arrived at the (now) legendary cycle hire place and car park. Ah. We seem to have walked 3.5 miles.

A small oversight. However, this meant a 3.5 mile return trip and although the scenery was really picturesque and the weather gorgeous, 7 miles was a tad more than we had planned. We made it back OK, but were just a teeny bit fatigued. Mind you, we had a cracking time. We met plenty of people (mainly on bikes though) and chatted constantly the whole way.

We didn't discuss maths though.

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