Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Scottish Pause

I have a work colleague who is Scottish. She is a very intelligent woman who can not only quote, but dissect and analyize just about any literary work ever written. She has the vocabulary of a poet laureate and the historical knowledge of the Professor of History at Oxford University.

However, she also has an amazing ability to, how shall I put it? Drift. I shall explain. If I ask her a question, such as "Are you going to the meeting this afternoon"? She will not respond immediately. Oh lordy no. The question has obviously permeated her cerebal cortex but then a kind of self-induced trance seems to take effect. I have honestly sat for 30 seconds or more, waiting for a reply. Often I give up waiting and repeat the question. This invariably elicits a sort of awakening accompanied by a small spasm and then a "oh, sorry" and she's back in the room.

Is it a Scottish thing I wonder? Probably.

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