Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Oh dear - Blog fatigue

I always knew that one of my weaknesses was my inability to stick at things. This blog is a case in point. My last posting was two weeks ago. Shameful. In my defence, I've been really busy at work. Then there was the outbreak of plague where I live. Oh and the metorite that landed in our road on Monday night and ... and ... OK. No excuses. But there IS a reason.

Whenever I start something I go at it like a bull at a gate. When I began this I was ready to do a post every couple of hours. Now that sets a precedent which I find impossible to live up to. That then means that if I miss a 'scheduled' post I feel guilty and not worthy. So, I don't do one because I can't handle the guilt and then a viscious circle begins which results in nothing happening at all. And thus we arrive at today's situation.

I've therefore decided that I'll ease the brain-crushing pressure to post something insightful and witty every day and instead post something dull and vapid whenever I can be bothered. There, I feel much better now. Amazing.

The power of positive thought.

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