Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The big purchase

OK, so yesterday I went to buy a something with my Xmas vouchers - from the supermarket. I know, I know but read the posting from yesterday and it explains it all. Well sort of. Anyway, what did I buy? A book. I still have 75% of my money left. I failed to treat myself! Surely that's impossible. But no, I succeeded in failing. How brilliant is that?

Today though I truly have succeeded in using Xmas vouchers by actually buying things. It's quite sad how pleased I am with myself, but you know how good it feels to buy things with money that's not yours, don't you? I don't mean stolen money of course, I mean a gift, a present. It gives me a warm glow of satisfaction, not to mention a warm glow derived from having some cracking new trainers, trousers and a shirt.

Presents. They're great.

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