Monday, January 09, 2006

Blast from the past

Well sometimes life really does conjure up a surprise. I bumped into some people today who I haven't seen for about 15 years. They didn't recognise me at first and that was weird because I recognised all three of them immediately. How does that work then?

It's funny when you suddenly encounter people again after a huge amount of time has passed. Obviously you have the cries of "I can't believe it" and "It's wonderful to see you" but the funny thing is that you try to catch up on 15 years in an equal number of seconds. I found I wanted to catch up with everything that had happened before I felt I could just talk to them 'normally'.

An unexpected emotion I experienced afterwards, was a tinge of sadness. At first I didn't know why but then I realised that I wished I could have kept in touch; shared our experiences during those years. Even if it had just been by email or text message - just something that kept the connection between us. I'd missed that and it wasn't something I could get back.

Time to ensure it doesn't happen again I think.

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