Sunday, May 13, 2007

Eurovision - flying the flag

A poor quality video to reflect the poor quality of Eurovision. Which is what makes it so great. Although all the bloody Eastern bloc countries voted for each other and somehow a truly crap song, sung by a sort of female Ronnie Corbett managed to win. Our boys and girls finished a magnificent second from bottom but at least the vast array of Euro-food and booze was worth it all.

What the hell is 'halva' anyway?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The song that won was a darn sight better than the utter b*ll*cks we decided to put forward. Lately it seems we always enter a song that we think will appeal to the crap "euro pop" market which we arrogantly believe the rest of the world still listens to. It's also the type of song we just can't pull off. It's Britains indie/soft rock scene that's big at the moment and finding itself popular in other countries. So if we know we're good at that, why can't we use it to create a decent entry.