Friday, February 10, 2006

Differences between men and women. No.1

A very dear mate of mine and I have not communicated in any way at all for about 2 months. No visits, emails, phone calls, texts or letters. Nothing. Yesterday I got a one line email from him. I responded with a lengthy (2 paragraphs) email. He responded with an even lengthier (3 paragraphs) email. No problem. We just picked up where we left off 2 months ago.

Men can do that.

If my wife's best friend failed to contact her for 2 months, that would be it. End of friendship. At the very least, it would be a very damaged relationship. There would be hurt, anger and mistrust. The friendship may continue but it would be forever changed and tarnished.

Men can't be bothered with all that emotion and recrimination. Maybe we are simpler folk or maybe we are just too trusting in each other's reasons for the lack of contact. Whatever the myriad of possible reasons are that men react so differently to this type of situation, men just can't be arsed with it all. They simply resume their friendship where they left off. Like taking your finger off the pause button.

Men can do that.

Oh happy, happy, joy joy

Marvellous. In my last post, depression was my friend due to the incredibly miserable weather. Well, the sun is shining in England and life is good. Agreed, it's still freezing cold, windy and dark by 5pm. However, the sun has been beaming down on my balding head and endorphines have been coursing through my brain like HP sauce through a sieve. As a result I am one happy bunny. Also, my big birthday is only a week away and despite it being a 'big' one, I'm still as excited as a small child at the prospects of presents and beer. Yes, even as a child I would enjoy a pint or two of fine, room-temperature ale. Roll on the big day.

All this excitement has been caused by nothing more than the sun. Isn't that brilliant? Only one thing could upset me now - not getting any comments in response to my posts. Well, would you believe it? I have! I'm so chuffed. And what's even better - my valued respondent had actually been listening to my podcast. So thank you so much for your very positive feedback. It's really very much appreciated. One downside - the next podcast will be a few weeks as my free podcast software has 'expired' so I need to actually pay for some new software. But I'm going to re-mortgage the cat and perhaps sell all my clothes in order to pay for it.

Don't despair, I'm not going anywhere.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Miserable, miserable weather

Oh it's so depressing. Day after day of freezing temperatures and dark grey skies. English winters are not an a fun experience. Certainly, there are places in the world that are colder or have more snow but few places are so interminably dreary. I'm feeling even worse as I write this because it's cold and grey outside .... again.

You get to a point (usually end of January/start of February) when you find yourself looking for any glimmer of hope, any sign at all that Spring may be on it's way. Things like shoots pushing their way up through the soil, buds appearing on trees or young male drivers with the roof down on their 1989 Ford Escort convertible.

Well I suppose something will have to change soon and I hope it does. I've tried standing under the ceiling light in the bedroom to try and trick my brain into releasing endorphines. These little beauties make you feel all happy and are triggered by sunlight shining on your head. I've even got a clearing in my hair which allows light to penetrate my scalp more quickly but alas, a 60 watt light bulb obviously doen't have the same power as the sun. The sun is apparently equal to 600 watts per square metre. I don't think my brain has any chance of becoming happy soon.

Roll on the summer.